Search Results: "joshua"

18 December 2012

Dirk Eddelbuettel: R / Finance 2013 Call for Papers

The text below just went out to r-sig-finance along with updates to the R/Finance website and its Call for Papers page.
Call for Papers: R/Finance 2013: Applied Finance with R
May 17 and 18, 2013
University of Illinois, Chicago, IL, USA
The fifth annual R/Finance conference for applied finance using R will be held on May 17 and 18, 2013 in Chicago, IL, USA at the University of Illinois at Chicago. The conference is expected to cover topics including portfolio management, time series analysis, advanced risk tools, high-performance computing, market microstructure, and econometrics. All will be discussed within the context of using R as a primary tool for financial risk management, portfolio construction, and trading. Over the past four years, R/Finance has included attendees from around the world. It featured presentations from prominent academics and practitioners, and we anticipate another exciting line-up for 2013. We invite you to submit complete papers in pdf format for consideration. We will also consider one-page abstracts (in txt or pdf format) although more complete papers are preferred. We welcome submissions for full talks and abbreviated "lightning talks". Both academic and practitioner proposals related to R are encouraged. Presenters are strongly encouraged to provide working R code to accompany the presentation/paper. Data sets should also be made public for the purposes of reproducibility (though we realize this may be limited due to contracts with data vendors). Preference may be given to presenters who have released R packages. The conference will award two (or more) $1000 prizes for best papers. A submission must be a full paper to be eligible for a best paper award. Extended abstracts, even if a full paper is provided by conference time, are not eligible for a best paper award. Financial assistance for travel and accommodation may be available to presenters at the discretion of the conference committee. Requests for assistance should be made at the time of submission. Please send submissions to: committee at The submission deadline is February 15, 2013. Submitters will be notified of acceptance via email by February 28, 2013. Notification of whether a presentation will be a long presentation or a lightning talk will also be made at that time. Additional details will be announced at this website as they become available. Information on previous year's presenters and their presentations are also at the conference website. For the program committee:
Gib Bassett, Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian Peterson,
Dale Rosenthal, Jeffrey Ryan, Joshua Ulrich
So see you in Chicago in May!

20 March 2012

Dirk Eddelbuettel: R / Finance 2012 Open for Registration

The annoucement below just went to the R-SIG-Finance list. More information is as usual the the R / Finance page:
Now open for registrations: R / Finance 2012: Applied Finance with R
May 11 and 12, 2012
Chicago, IL, USA
The registration for R/Finance 2012 -- which will take place May 11 and 12 in Chicago -- is NOW OPEN! Building on the success of the three previous conferences in 2009, 2010, and 2011, we expect more than 250 attendees from around the world. R users from industry, academia, and government will join 40+ presenters covering all areas of finance with R. This year's conference will start earlier in the day on Friday, to accommodate the tremendous line up of speakers for 2012, as well as to provide more time between talks for networking. We are very excited about the four keynotes by Paul Gilbert, Blair Hull, Rob McCulloch, and Simon Urbanek. The main agenda includes nineteen full presentations and eighteen shorter "lightning talks". We are also excited to offer six optional pre-conference seminars on Friday morning. Once again, we are hosting the R/Finance conference dinner on Friday evening, where you can continue conversations while dining and drinking atop a West Loop restaurant overlooking the Chicago skyline. More details of the agenda are available at:
Registration information is available at
and can also be directly accessed by going to
On behalf of the committee and sponsors, we look forward to seeing you in Chicago!
Gib Bassett, Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian Peterson,
Dale Rosenthal, Jeffrey Ryan, Joshua Ulrich
Our 2012 Sponsors:
International Center for Futures and Derivatives at UIC Revolution Analytics
MS-Computational Finance at University of Washington Google
Tick Data
See you in Chicago in May!!

28 January 2012

Russ Allbery: Review: Effective Java, Second Edition

Review: Effective Java, Second Edition, by Joshua Bloch
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Copyright: 2008
Printing: October 2009
ISBN: 0-321-35668-3
Format: Trade paperback
Pages: 319
Guy Steele, in the forward to this book, writes:
Programs, unlike spoken sentences and unlike most books and magazines, are likely to be changed over time. It's typically not enough to produce code that operates effectively and is readily understood by other persons; one must also organize the code so that it is easy to modify. There may be ten ways to write code for some task T. Of those ten ways, seven will be awkward, inefficient, or puzzling. Of the other three, which is most likely to be similar to the code needed for the task T in next year's software release?
Teaching this, as well as how to avoid being awkward, inefficient, or puzzling, is the goal of this book. Clearly communicating effective, idiomatic, and maintainable usage to a newcomer to a programming language is one of the hardest types of programming books to write. Books like this are therefore quite scarce. Most introductory texts do try to communicate some degree of basic usage, but they rarely go far beyond the syntax, and when they do that usage is rarely both well-defended and inobvious. Bloch takes the concept quite far indeed, going deep not only into the Java language but also into object-oriented software construction in general. Effective Java is modeled after Effective C++ by Scott Meyers, a book I've not read (due to the lack of need for C++ in my programming life), but which I've heard a great deal about. This means the book is organized into 78 numbered items, each of which provides specific advice and analysis about one area of Java. Examples include item 16, "Favor composition over inheritance," or item 33, "Use EnumMap instead of ordinal indexing." As you can see, they run the gamut from high-level design principles to specific coding techniques. This sort of book demands a lot of the author. Everyone has a coding style, and everyone can make usage recommendations, but the merits or lack thereof of specific recommendations are often only visible with substantial later experience. More than any other type of programming language book, this sort of usage guide must be written by a language expert with years of experience with both good and bad code in the language. This is where Effective Java shines. Joshua Bloch led the design and implementation of significant portions of the Java core libraries at Sun and is currently the chief Java architect at Google, but even without knowing that background, his expertise is obvious. Every item in this book is backed up with specific examples and justification, and Bloch quotes extensively from the Java core library to illustrate both the advantages of the techniques he describes and the problems that result when they're not followed. This is not an introductory book, which is one of the things that makes it so efficient and concise. It's a book aimed at the intermediate or advanced Java programmer and assumes you already know the language and the basic pitfalls. There are only a few items in here that would be obvious to most experienced programmers, and even there Bloch ties them back to specific issues in Java in ways that are illuminating. I would not have expected to learn something new from a chapter on a hoary old problem like avoiding float and double for precise values, but I did: Bloch discusses the available alternatives within Java and their tradeoffs and then makes useful specific recommendations. If, like me, you're an experienced programmer already but relatively new to Java, you still should not read this book first. You need a general introduction to the language and libraries and a few projects under your belt before you can appreciate it. (I personally started with Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel and it served me well, although on several points of style Bloch disagrees with advice in Eckel's book, and I find Bloch's arguments convincing.) But I think this is one of the best possible choices for your second book on Java, in large part because Bloch will head off bad design and style decisions that you don't realize you're making and catch them before they become entrenched. I'm glad I read it as soon as I knew the language well enough to absorb it, and it's the sort of book that I'm likely to re-read sections of whenever I work on Java code related to those topics. It's not entirely obvious that you should take my advice about this sort of book, since I'm not a Java expert and don't have those years of experience with it. But I've checked the recommendation with other programmers I know who are experts, and I've never heard anything but praise for it. It's also one of the books recommended in Coders at Work, and Bloch is one of the people interviewed there, which carries a lot of weight with me. And, apart from that, any long-time programmer who cares about their craft builds an internal sense of aesthetics around what a well-written program should look like and finds themselves recognizing a similar sense in other people's code, even in languages with which they're not familiar. Bloch's recommendations and analysis feel right; one can immediately see how they improve maintainability and robustness, and some of the techniques he shows are elegant and beautiful. This is not a general programming book. It's specifically focused on the Java language, and much of it deals with specific suggestions on how to use Java's core libraries and language features. If you're not going to be writing code in Java, I can't really recommend it. But one of the things I loved about it is that, while talking about Java, Bloch also talks about object-oriented software construction: techniques for extending foreign libraries one does not control, API design, and the proper use of inheritance, among other topics.. That advice is some of the best object-oriented software design advice I've ever read. There isn't enough of it to recommend the book to people with no interest in Java, but this book has even made my C and Perl code better, and has helped me grasp the tradeoff between inheritance and composition in a deeper way than I ever had before. It's a lovely side bonus. If you're writing Java, read this book. If you're learning Java, don't read it first, but read it second, and more than once, or alongside a project where you can apply the advice. It's dense and efficient in the information that it conveys, which means there's more in a couple pages here than in thirty or forty pages of some of the sprawling introductory programming books. I did read it cover to cover, which is one of the better ways to get a sense of Bloch's more general advice on software construction, but you'll hit information overload and will want to return to it piecemeal to fully absorb it. And do get the second edition. I'm sure the first edition is available cheap used, but the additions of enums and generics to the Java language are hugely important and provide some of the most elegant and graceful techniques in the book. Rating: 9 out of 10

15 December 2011

Dirk Eddelbuettel: R / Finance 2012 Call for Papers

Last night, the text below went out to r-sig-finance along with updates to the R/Finance website and its Call for Papers page; followed by some tweeting and Goggle+'ing (and please do feel free to retweet and share at will...)
Call for Papers: R/Finance 2012: Applied Finance with R
May 11 and 12, 2012
University of Illinois, Chicago, IL, USA
The fourth annual R/Finance conference for applied finance using R will be held on May 11 and 12, 2012 in Chicago, IL, USA on the campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago. The two-day conference will cover topics including portfolio management, time series analysis, advanced risk tools, high-performance computing, market microstructure, and econometrics. All will be discussed within the context of using R as a primary tool for financial risk management, portfolio construction, and trading. Over the past three years, R/Finance has included attendees from around the world and featured keynote presentations from prominent academics and practitioners. We anticipate another exciting line-up for 2012 --- including keynote presentations from Blair Hull, Paul Gilbert, Rob McCulloch, and Simon Urbanek. We invite you to submit complete papers or one-page abstracts (in txt or pdf format) for consideration. Academic and practitioner proposals related to R are encouraged. We welcome submissions for full talks, abbreviated "lightning talks", and for a limited number of (longer) pre-conference seminar sessions. Presenters are strongly encouraged to provide working R code to accompany the presentation/paper. Data sets should also be made public for the purposes of reproducibility (though we realize this may be limited due to contracts with data vendors). Preference may be given to presenters who have released R packages. Travel and accommodation grants may be available for selected presenters at the discretion of the committee. In addition, the conference will award prizes for best papers. To be eligible for a best paper award, a submission must be a full paper. Extended abstracts, even if a full paper by conference time, are not eligible for a best paper award. Please send submissions to: committee at The submission deadline is January 31, 2012. Submitters will be notified of acceptance via email by February 28, 2012. Notification of whether a presentation will be a long presentation or a lightning talk will also be made at that time. Additional details will be announced at this website as they become available. Information on previous year's presenters and their presentations are also at the conference website R/Finance 2009, 2010 and 2011. For the program committee:
Gib Bassett, Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian Peterson,
Dale Rosenthal, Jeffrey Ryan, Joshua Ulrich
So see you in Chicago in May! Update: Corrected urls to past conference thanks to heads-up by Josh. Thanks!

14 December 2011

Dirk Eddelbuettel: R / Finance 2012 Call for Papers

Last night, the text below went out to r-sig-finance along with updates to the R/Finance website and its Call for Papers page; followed by some tweeting and Goggle+'ing (and please do feel free to retweet and share at will...)
Call for Papers: R/Finance 2012: Applied Finance with R
May 11 and 12, 2012
University of Illinois, Chicago, IL, USA
The fourth annual R/Finance conference for applied finance using R will be held on May 11 and 12, 2012 in Chicago, IL, USA on the campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago. The two-day conference will cover topics including portfolio management, time series analysis, advanced risk tools, high-performance computing, market microstructure, and econometrics. All will be discussed within the context of using R as a primary tool for financial risk management, portfolio construction, and trading. Over the past three years, R/Finance has included attendees from around the world and featured keynote presentations from prominent academics and practitioners. We anticipate another exciting line-up for 2012 --- including keynote presentations from Blair Hull, Paul Gilbert, Rob McCulloch, and Simon Urbanek. We invite you to submit complete papers or one-page abstracts (in txt or pdf format) for consideration. Academic and practitioner proposals related to R are encouraged. We welcome submissions for full talks, abbreviated "lightning talks", and for a limited number of (longer) pre-conference seminar sessions. Presenters are strongly encouraged to provide working R code to accompany the presentation/paper. Data sets should also be made public for the purposes of reproducibility (though we realize this may be limited due to contracts with data vendors). Preference may be given to presenters who have released R packages. Travel and accommodation grants may be available for selected presenters at the discretion of the committee. In addition, the conference will award prizes for best papers. To be eligible for a best paper award, a submission must be a full paper. Extended abstracts, even if a full paper by conference time, are not eligible for a best paper award. Please send submissions to: committee at The submission deadline is January 31, 2012. Submitters will be notified of acceptance via email by February 28, 2012. Notification of whether a presentation will be a long presentation or a lightning talk will also be made at that time. Additional details will be announced at this website as they become available. Information on previous year's presenters and their presentations are also at the conference website R/Finance 2009, 2010 and 2011. For the program committee:
Gib Bassett, Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian Peterson,
Dale Rosenthal, Jeffrey Ryan, Joshua Ulrich
So see you in Chicago in May!

5 September 2011

Andrew Pollock: [life] Four years later

I'm not very good with dates. For the last two years now, Joshua's anniversary has snuck up on me and caught me by surprise. I don't think that I'd really appreciated until this year that we lost him on the Labor Day long weekend. I'll have to remember that for next year so I don't forget. I don't know what my problem was this year. I just didn't realise that it was this early in September that we lost him. Last year I was just too exhausted from dealing with a new baby to realise when his anniversary was, and I felt terrible for missing it. This year, I just felt terrible for not realising when it was, but at least Sarah pointed it out before the fact. For added irony, the 4th of September this year is Father's Day in Australia. Yesterday, I was looking at photos of Joshua to remember him, and Gallery gave me a random photo of Zoe in the corner. That was something. I'm not sure what. I feel like Zoe being a wonderful child is some sort of consolation prize from the universe for taking Joshua, but I often wonder what Joshua would be like today if he were almost four.

23 August 2011

Dirk Eddelbuettel: Accelerating path-dependent loops: A quick Rcpp case study

User BobH asked on StackOverflow about accelerating path-dependent loops. He provided a simple example in which a vector gets filled conditional on the value of the preceding element. Simple to code, but hard to vectorise. By the time I saw that question yesterday evening, Josh Ulrich had already posted a nice answer suggesting to switch from ifelse to if to escape the overhead of a vectorised expression on simple scalars. I meekly added a comment suggesting that Rcpp would likely do well on this and that someone should volunteer such an answer. Well, it is still August and Mr. Someone is on holiday, so this morning I followed up with such an answer. And as it turns out to work quite well indeed, we will repost it here. Let's start with the general setup, and the two functions supplied by Josh. We also byte-compile these using the compiler package which is the culmination of several years of work by R core member Luke Tierney. This package was added to R during the last major release, and we assessed it in this earlier blog post as well as several Rcpp-related follow-ups. We also load the packages for on-the-fly 'inline' compilation and easy benchmarking:
fun1 <- function(z)  
  for(i in 2:NROW(z))  
    z[i] <- ifelse(z[i-1]==1, 1, 0)
fun1c <- cmpfun(fun1)
fun2 <- function(z)  
  for(i in 2:NROW(z))  
    z[i] <- if(z[i-1]==1) 1 else 0
fun2c <- cmpfun(fun2)
We see that basic worker just assign to the i-th element based on the preceding element. Function two uses the aforementioned if statement, and both are also byte-compiled. Writing the same code in C++ using both Rcpp (for the R/C++ integration) and inline for the on-the-fly compilation, linking and loading of C++ code into R is pretty straightforward too:
funRcpp <- cxxfunction(signature(zs="numeric"), plugin="Rcpp", body="
  Rcpp::NumericVector z = Rcpp::NumericVector(zs);
  int n = z.size();
  for (int i=1; i<n; i++)  
    z[i] = (z[i-1]==1.0 ? 1.0 : 0.0);
This single R function call takes the code embedded in the argument to the body variable, builds a complete function in temporary file, and then compiles, links and loads it. We can now call funRcpp() just like the other four functions and do so via the benchmark() function of the rbenchmark package.
R> z <- rep(c(1,1,0,0,0,0), 100)
R> identical(fun1(z),fun2(z),fun1c(z),fun2c(z),funRcpp(z))
[1] TRUE
R> res <- benchmark(fun1(z), fun2(z),
+                  fun1c(z), fun2c(z),
+                  funRcpp(z),
+                  columns=c("test", "replications", "elapsed", "relative", "user.self", "sys.self"),
+                  order="relative",
+                  replications=1000)
R> print(res)
        test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
5 funRcpp(z)         1000   0.005      1.0      0.01        0
4   fun2c(z)         1000   0.482     96.4      0.48        0
2    fun2(z)         1000   1.989    397.8      1.98        0
3   fun1c(z)         1000  11.365   2273.0     11.37        0
1    fun1(z)         1000  13.210   2642.0     13.21        0
We can focus on the columns labelled elapsed and relative. The C++ version is faster by a factor of almost one-hundred compared to the byte-compiled version of funtion2, and almost four-hundred times faster than the plain-R variant of function2. And function1 is even worse, coming at well over twenty-two-hundred times the run-time of the C++ version. Byte-compilation also helps little here. For comparison, we also ran the original example of a very short vector, called more frequently:
R> z <- c(1,1,0,0,0,0)
R> res2 <- benchmark(fun1(z), fun2(z),
+                  fun1c(z), fun2c(z),
+                  funRcpp(z),
+                  columns=c("test", "replications", "elapsed", "relative", "user.self", "sys.self"),
+                  order="relative",
+                  replications=10000)
R> print(res2)
        test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
5 funRcpp(z)        10000   0.047  1.00000      0.04        0
4   fun2c(z)        10000   0.134  2.85106      0.13        0
2    fun2(z)        10000   0.328  6.97872      0.32        0
3   fun1c(z)        10000   1.080 22.97872      1.08        0
1    fun1(z)        10000   1.243 26.44681      1.24        0
The qualitative ranking is unchanged: the Rcpp version dominates. Function2 using if instead of the vectorised ifelse is second-best with the byte-compiled version being about twice as fast that the plain R variant, but still almost three times slower than the C++ version. And the relative differences are less pronounced: relatively speaking, the function call overhead matters less here and the actual looping matters more: C++ gets a bigger advantage on the actual loop operations in the longer vectors. That it is an important result as it suggests that on more real-life sized data, the compiled version may reap a larger benefit. All in all a nice demonstration of Rcpp, and a gain of almost one-hundred to the best byte-compiled version is nothing to sneeze at---especially when it is so easy to write and load a five-line C++ function thanks to Rcpp. Before closing, a quick reminder that I will giving two classes on Rcpp in a few weeks. These will be in New York on September 24, and San Franciso on October 8, see this blog post as well as this page at Revolution Analytics (who are a co-organiser of the classes) for details and registration information.

26 May 2011

Dirk Eddelbuettel: R / Finance 2011 presentations

I just sent the text below to the r-sig-finance list:
The organizing committee for the R/Finance 2011 conference is pleased to announce the availability of presentation slides from the 3rd annual R/Finance conference. This year's two-day conference once again attracted over 200 participants from across the globe. Academics, students and industry professionals enjoyed almost 30 talks covering trading, optimization, risk management and more --- all using R! The majority of these presentations are now available for download at:
This year we began offering prizes for the best paper submissions. The 2011 recipients are Robert Gramacy (University of Chicago) and David Matteson (Cornell University) who each won USD 1000. Also new was a graduate student travel award: Mikko Niemenmaa (Aalto University) and Cl ment Dunand-Ch tellet ( cole Polytechnique) each received USD 500. With this, the organizing committee would like to thank our lead conference sponsors, the International Center for Futures and Derivatives at UIC and Revolution Analytics, as well as our conference sponsors OneMarketData, RStudio and Lemnica for their continued support. The organising committee would also like to thank all of the presenters and participants for making R/Finance 2011 so successful. We look forward to seeing you in 2012, with the prospective dates of May 17 - 19 to be confirmed. For the organizing committee,
Gib Bassett, Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian Peterson,
Dale Rosenthal, Jeffrey Ryan, Joshua Ulrich

4 April 2011

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RQuantLib 0.3.7

A build-fix release RQuantLib 0.3.7 is now on CRAN and in Debian. RQuantLib combines (some of) the quantitative analytics of QuantLib with the R statistical computing environment and language. Thanks to the help by Brian Ripley (who compiled QuantLib for 64 bit Windows), Josh Ulrich (who did the same for 32 bit Windows, and arranged the Windows builds) and Uwe Ligges (who runs win-builder for R) we once again have Windows binaries as well as the usual source distribution (and Debian binaries). The only other change was minor fix to the documentation files. We had found that the pdf reference manual build would break for Uwe and Kurt (using A4 paper settings) but not myself (using letter). Uwe finally tracked that down: we had some arguments to \url with over seventy characters, and that broke typesetting. I commented those out (as the entries were in doxygen-generated QuantLib page which have volatile names anyway) and fully automated builds now resume as usual. Thanks again to Uwe for that too. No other changes were made. Thanks to CRANberries, there is also a diff to the previous release 0.3.6. Full changelog details, examples and more details about this package are at my RQuantLib page.

23 March 2011

Matthew Garrett: HTC are still incredible fuckheads

Update: Despite another email yesterday reasserting the 90-120 days lie, the source code has now landed on HTC's site.

As has been discussed before, HTC have a somewhat "interesting" interpretation of the GPL that allows them to claim they don't need to provide source code until between 90 and 120 days after the release of binaries. It's probably noteworthy that the FSF (who, you know, wrote the license and all) disagree with this interpretation, as do the kernel copyright holders (who, you know, wrote the code that the license covers) I've talked to about it. Anyway, after a pile of screaming and shouting from all sides HTC have tended to release their source code in a timely manner. So things seemed better.

HTC released the Thunderbolt last week and we're back to the 90-120 day song and dance. It's probably worth remembering that by behaving in this way HTC gain a competitive advantage over any vendors who obey the terms of their license - HTC can incorporate improvements made by others without releasing their own until through a significant portion of the lifecycle of their phone.

As far as I'm concerned, every single Thunderbolt sold so far embodies a copyright infringement. Wilfully engaging in copyright infringement for commercial benefit is typically frowned upon by courts, especially if by doing so a foreign company is gaining commercial advantage over a domestic one. If you think Microsoft's patent assault on Android is a problem, just imagine what they could do if they hired one significant Linux kernel developer and used their copyrights to attack the overwhelming majority of Android vendors who fail to comply with the GPL. It probably wouldn't be industry ending (companies would merely have improve their compliance procedures) but it'd do a huge deal of damage in the short term. It's insane for companies to behave this way. Don't reward them by giving them your money.

I'll be talking about this at the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit next month, along with an update on my study of the compliance of Android tablets. I'm hoping that there'll be further developments after that.

(comment count unavailable Comments Comment on this)

31 December 2010

Dirk Eddelbuettel: R / Finance 2011 Call for Papers: Updated and expanded

One week ago, I sent the updated announcement below to the r-sig-finance list; this was kindly blogged about by fellow committee member Josh and by our pal Dave @ REvo. By now. I also updated the R / Finance conference website. So to round things off, a quick post here is in order as well. It may even get a few of the esteemed reader to make a New Year's resolution about submitting a paper :) Dear R / Finance community, The preparations for R/Finance 2011 are progressing, and due to favourable responses from the different sponsors we contacted, we are now able to offer

  1. a competition for best paper, which given the focus of the conference will award for both an 'academic' paper and an 'industry' paper
  2. availability of travel grants for up to two graduate students provided suitable papers were accepted for presentations
More details are below in the updated Call for Papers. Please feel free to re-circulate this Call for Papers with collegues, students and other associations. Cheers, and Season's Greeting, Dirk (on behalf of the organizing / program committee) Call for Papers: R/Finance 2011: Applied Finance with R April 29 and 30, 2011 Chicago, IL, USA The third annual R/Finance conference for applied finance using R will be held this spring in Chicago, IL, USA on April 29 and 30, 2011. The two-day conference will cover topics including portfolio management, time series analysis, advanced risk tools, high-performance computing, market microstructure and econometrics. All will be discussed within the context of using R as a primary tool for financial risk management, portfolio construction, and trading. Complete papers or one-page abstracts (in txt or pdf format) are invited to be submitted for consideration. Academic and practitioner proposals related to R are encouraged. We welcome submissions for full talks, abbreviated lightning talks, and for a limited number of pre-conference (longer) seminar sessions. Presenters are strongly encouraged to provide working R code to accompany the presentation/paper. Data sets should also be made public for the purposes of reproducibility (though we realize this may be limited due to contracts with data vendors). Preference may be given to presenters who have released R packages. The conference will award two $1000 prizes for best paper: one for best practitioner-oriented paper and one for best academic-oriented paper. Further, to defray costs for graduate students, two travel and expense grants of up to $500 each will be awarded to graduate students whose papers are accepted. To be eligible, a submission must be a full paper; extended abstracts are not eligible. Please send submissions to: committee at The submission deadline is February 15th, 2011. Early submissions may receive early acceptance and scheduling. The graduate student grant winners will be notified by February 23rd, 2011. Submissions will be evaluated and submitters notified via email on a rolling basis. Determination of whether a presentation will be a long presentation or a lightning talk will be made once the full list of presenters is known. R/Finance 2009 and 2010 included attendees from around the world and featured keynote presentations from prominent academics and practitioners. 2009-2010 presenters names and presentations are online at the conference website. We anticipate another exciting line-up for 2011---including keynote presentations from John Bollinger, Mebane Faber, Stefano Iacus, and Louis Kates. Additional details will be announced via the conference website as they become available. For the program committee:
Gib Bassett, Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian Peterson,
Dale Rosenthal, Jeffrey Ryan, Joshua Ulrich

16 October 2010

Vincent Sanders: Coming to terms

Yesterday was not a great day. One of the family's cats died.

Molly just after she arrived 26th September 2000
Molly, for that was her name, came to us the week Melodie and I moved into our first house together. September 15th 2000, in the middle of the fuel protests which were raging at the time, we hired a van and moved in.

Most people would have considered that enough for one week! We happened to be in Halifax on the Sunday afternoon at the supermarket and decided to visit the RSPCA because somehow we decided what our new home needed was a cat.

On that day a decade ago we saw Molly and Lucy, a pair of cats who needed a new home as their previous owners had a baby who was allergic to them. I still recall them skulking at the back of their cage in the cattery, Lucy who was reluctant to come down of a perch to be petted and Molly looking generally unhappy. No-one else wanted this misfit pair because they were already both over 5 years old, the warden despairing of ever finding them a home.

Of course they were obviously the right animals for us! ;-) So by the end of the week we had taken them home. Molly immediately showed how things were going to be by shredding her way out of the RSPCA provided double walled cardboard carrier. To the day she died she detested being placed inside a carrier, funny that.

Melodie and Molly in the snow 28th December 2000
By the end of the year, when the snow came, the cats ruled the house and we were all happy together.

Little did we realise that soon in the summer of 2001 there would be another arrival to the family.

Molly with Melodie and Alex 2001
The arrival of our first child in June 2001 was a complete change in all our lives but we all managed to settle back into a routine. Although the banishment of the cats from upstairs remained a point of disagreement for a long time.

As Alex grew up the cats learned that feeding times for Alex could result in all manner of things falling from above. Soon Alex was mobile which resulted in different lessons on cats being sharp objects if not treated with respect. In February 2003 our family grew once more with the arrival of Joshua. The cats, now used to infants, took this in their stride.

Molly in Febuary 2004 hiding on a windowsill
While still about day to day the cats are not captured on camera so often form this point on.

Over the forthcoming months they ensured they were out of reach of the newborn and the precocious toddler.

By the time of Joshuas first birthday in 2004 Molly had taken to hiding "out of the way" as much as possible but remained as affectionate as ever.

Molly in a box March 2007
As the children grew up and life progressed Molly became ever more at home and developed the odd aggravating trait like taking clean washing off airers and dragging it out the window, through the cat flap and upstairs so she could sleep on it!

She still enjoyed participating in claiming boxes and defending them vigorously though!

The kids took on the job of feeding the cats which made their bond closer ensuring they were greeted by happy cats sitting lookout as they came home from school each day.

Molly continued to be a good companion and an infuriating self centred animal like all good cats.
Molly asleep in the kitchen sink
Then on Tuesday evening our Neighbour knocked on our front door. They gave us the news that one of our cats had been run over and taken to the Vet. I immediately went to the back door and called and shook the treat box.

Lucy came running, but molly did not. We rang the vets who confirmed they had molly (we had them electronically tagged back in Halifax) and that they advised we did not come and see her until they had chance to asses her and deal with the shock.

As the days progressed her prognosis improved and then sank. She had a broken jaw, broken teeth, a dislocated hip, extensive bruising and something was definitely wrong with her kidney function.

Thursday evening the whole family went to see her and she purred and seemed happy to see us, she looked as bad as I feared though and somehow I knew there and then that this was probably goodbye. The children stroked her and petted her for a while and we left with an odd sadness, oh and to the sound of molly trying to gouge the veterinary nurse.

Yesterday she was due to have surgery to fix her jaw and hip...Alas when she was anaesthetised and x-rayed once more it became evident the hip was not just dislocated but her femur was fractured and there was additional damage. So just after midday came the call to ask what we wanted to do. The vet could attempt the repairs but due to her age and the other complications it was probably futile. So with heavy heart we agreed the best thing was not to revive her and she died a short time later.

I shall miss her morning greetings, her demands for attention, her sleeping in odd places and her companionship. I keep calling for her at meal times forgetting she will never come. I think Lucy is upset too, after spending their lives together her friend is gone and I cannot explain that to her.

So that is the end of Molly, a good cat.

24 September 2010

Dirk Eddelbuettel: R / Finance 2011 Call for Papers

Brian announced it on r-help and r-sig-finance and I have since updated the R/Finance website and Call for Papers page. And as David Smith already outblogged me about it, without further ado our Call for Paper for next spring's R/Finance conference:
Call for Papers: R/Finance 2011: Applied Finance with R
April 29 and 30, 2011
Chicago, IL, USA
The third annual R/Finance conference for applied finance using R will be held this spring in Chicago, IL, USA on April 29 and 30, 2011. The two-day conference will cover topics including portfolio management, time series analysis, advanced risk tools, high-performance computing, market microstructure and econometrics. All will be discussed within the context of using R as a primary tool for financial risk management, portfolio construction, and trading. One-page abstracts or complete papers (in txt or pdf format) are invited to be submitted for consideration. Academic and practitioner proposals related to R are encouraged. We welcome submissions for full talks, abbreviated "lightning talks", and for a limited number of pre-conference (longer) seminar sessions. Presenters are strongly encouraged to provide working R code to accompany the presentation/paper. Data sets should also be made public for the purposes of reproducibility (though we realize this may be limited due to contracts with data vendors). Preference may be given to presenters who have released R packages. Please send submissions to: committee at The submission deadline is February 15th, 2011. Early submissions may receive early acceptance and scheduling. Submissions will be evaluated and submitters notified via email on a rolling basis. Determination of whether a presentation will be a long presentation or a lightning talk will be made once the full list of presenters is known. R/Finance 2009 and 2010 included attendees from around the world and featured keynote presentations from prominent academics and practitioners. 2009-2010 presenters names and presentations are online at the conference website. We anticipate another exciting line-up for 2011 including keynote presentations from John Bollinger, Mebane Faber, Stefano Iacus, and Louis Kates. Additional details will be announced via the conference website as they become available. For the program committee:
Gib Bassett, Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian Peterson,
Dale Rosenthal, Jeffrey Ryan, Joshua Ulrich
So see you in Chicago in April!

10 July 2010

Jonathan McDowell: SPI 2010 AGM & Board Election

As SPI secretary I announced that nominations for the SPI board were open at the start of the month. The nomination period closes this Tuesday (13th July) with voting opening up on Thursday 15th. This year over half the board is up for election - 5 seats (currently held by Luk Claes, Joshua D. Drake, Bdale Garbee, Joerg Jaspert & Martin Zobel-Helas). So far I've received only 2 nominations, though I'm aware these things are often left to the last minute, so hopefully more will appear in the next few days. All anyone who wants to stand needs to do is drop a (preferably PGP signed) email nominating yourself and providing a position statement (which will all be published once the nomination period is over).

Oh, and if you're a contributing SPI member please do remember to vote once voting is open!

6 May 2010

Andrew Pollock: [life] Going home today

The OB resident dropped by on her rounds this morning and asked if Sarah wanted to go home today or tomorrow. There was some brief indecision regarding stairs, but Sarah has decided to go home today. We only stayed 3 nights in hospital after Joshua's C-section as well. So the staples have been removed, and we're getting discharged at about 11am.

16 April 2010

Andrew Pollock: [life] 34 weeks down, ~5 weeks to go

Monday saw us at the 34 week mark. Yesterday was the point in Sarah's first pregnancy that we lost Joshua. So we're in scary uncharted territory now. Sarah's OB has said that he doesn't want her to go past 39 weeks, given prior history, and he won't induce because of her heart (and they don't induce for a VBAC anyway), so if we want a VBAC, then the baby has to come of her own accord between now and the 17th. That means that in a month from tomorrow, we should be parents! So far our future daughter is keeping her presence felt, which is very reassuring. We've only had two unplanned trips to Labor & Delivery so far. One for decreased fetal movements at around 30 weeks (the baby had flipped head down it turned out) and the other for an unexplained blood pressure spike on Sunday (it sorted itself out). Sarah's doing a non-stress test twice a week (up from weekly) starting this week. The nursery is pretty much all ready to go. Just add baby.

28 February 2010

Russ Allbery: Review: Coders at Work

Review: Coders at Work, by Peter Seibel
Publisher: Apress
Copyright: 2009
ISBN: 1-4302-1948-3
Format: Trade paperback
Pages: 601
Coders at Work is a collection of edited interviews by Peter Seibel (probably best known previously for his book Practical Common Lisp) of an eclectic and excellent collection of fifteen programmers. It opens with an interview with Jamie Zawinski (one of the original Netscape developers) and closes with Donald Knuth. In between, the interview subjects range in programmer generations from Fran Allen (who started at IBM in 1957) and Bernie Cosell (one of the original ARPANET developers) to Brad Fitzpatrick (LiveJournal founder and original developer). Techniques and preferences also range widely, including two people involved in JavaScript development and standardization (Brendan Eich and Douglas Crockford), a functional programming language designer and developer (Simon Peyton Jones), language designers and standardizers such as Guy Steele, and people like Dan Ingalls who have a different experimental approach to programming than the normal application development focus. All of the interviewees are asked roughly the same basic questions, but each discussion goes in different directions. Seibel does an excellent job letting the interview subjects shape the discussion. Two things immediately stood out for me about this book. First, it's huge, and that's not padding. There are just over 600 pages of content here, much of it fascinating. The discussions Seibel has are broad-ranging, covering topics from the best way to learn programming to history and anecdotes of the field. There's some discussion of technique, but primarily at the level of basic approaches and mindset. One typical question is how each programmer organizes their approach to reading code that isn't familiar with them. Each interviewee is also asked for book recommendations, for their debugging techniques, for their opinions on proving code correct, and how they design code. The participants are so different in their backgrounds and approaches that these conversations go in fifteen different directions. This is one of the most compelling and engrossing non-fiction books I've read. Second, the selection of interview subjects, while full of well-known names in the field, is not the usual suspects. While I'm interested in the opinions of people like Larry Wall and Guido van Rossum, I've already heard quite a lot about how they think about programming. That's material that Coders at Work doesn't need to cover, and it doesn't. Many of the interview subjects here are people I'd heard of only vaguely or not at all prior to this book, often because they work in an area of programming that I'm not yet personally familiar with. Those who I had heard of, such as L. Peter Deutsch, I often knew in only one context (Ghostscript in that case) and was unfamiliar with the rest of their work. This gives the book a great exploratory feel and a lot of originality. There is so much good material here that it's hard to give a capsule review. This is a book I'm highly likely to re-read, taking more detailed notes. There's entertaining snarking from Jamie Zawinski and Brendan Eich, fascinating history of the field (including in gender balance) from Fran Allen, and an intriguing interview with Joe Armstrong (creator of Erlang), who seems to have a far different attitude towards languages and libraries than the other interviewees. Every interview is full of gems, bits of insight that I now want to research or play with. A couple of examples come to mind, just to provide a feel of the sort of insights I took out of the book. In the interview with Joshua Bloch, who does a lot of work on library APIs, he mentions that empathy is one of the most important skills for designing an API. You have to be able to put yourself in the shoes of the programmer who's going to use the API and understand how it will feel to them. This came up in the context of a discussion about different types of programmers, and how programmers can be good at different things; the one who can do low-level deep optimization may not have that sense of empathy. Another example: Bernie Cosell talked about how he did debugging, and how he got a reputation for being a fantastic debugger who was able to fix just about anything. He confessed that he often reached a portion of the code that he didn't understand, that seemed too complex and tricky for what it was attempting to accomplish, and rather than trace through it and try to understand it, he just rewrote it. And after rewriting, the bug was often gone. It wasn't really debugging, but at the same time it's close to the more recent concept of refactoring. Several of the interview subjects commented on a subjective feeling of complexity and how when it gets too high that's a warning sign that code may need to be rethought and rewritten. A third example: I was fascinated by the number of interviewees who said that they used printf, assert, and eyeballs to debug rather than using any more advanced debugging tools. The former Lisp developers would often bemoan the primitiveness of tools like gdb, but many of them found that print statements and thinking hard about the code were usually all that's needed. (There was also a lot of discussion about test suites and test-driven development.) The general consensus was that concurrency problems were the hardest to debug; they made up a disproportional number of the responses to Seibel's question about the hardest bug the programmer ever had to track down. I could go on giving similar examples at great length, but apart from the specific bits of wisdom, the strongest impact this book made on me was emotional. Coders at Work is full of people who love programming and love software, and that enthusiasm, both in general and for specific tools and ideas, comes through very clearly. I found it inspiring. I realized while reading this book, and I suspect I'm not alone among programmers in this, that I largely stopped learning how to program a few years back and have been reusing skills that I already have. Reading Coders at Work gave me a strong push towards finding ways to start learning, experimenting, and trying new techniques again. It also filled me with enthusiasm for the process of programming, which immediately helped my productivity on my own coding projects. This is obviously a book whose primary target audience is practicing programmers, and while it doesn't go too far into language theory, I was relying on remembered terms and structure from my master's degree for a few of the interviews. I think it's approachable for anyone who has a working background in programming and a few languages or a CS degree, but it might be a stretch for someone new to the field. But even someone without any programming knowledge at all would get a lot out of the anecdotes and snapshots of the history of software development. Coders at Work is also full of jumping-off points for some additional research on Google or additional reading in other recommended books. I only have one complaint, which I have to mention in passing: for such a large book full of interesting ideas and book recommendations, the index is wholly inadequate. I tried looking up five or six things in it, including the source of some of the book recommendations that are collected in an appendix, and I struck out every time. It's very hard to find something again in 600 pages, and more attention paid to the index would have been greatly appreciated. But, despite that, for people within the target audience, I cannot recommend this book too highly. Not only was it full of useful information, at the level of programming above the code details that's often the hardest to talk about, but it's consistently entertaining and emotionally invigorating and inspiring. It made the rounds of tech blogs when it was first released, to nearly universal approval, and I can only echo that. If you're a practicing programmer, I don't think you'll regret spending a few weeks reading and thinking about this book. Rating: 10 out of 10

19 February 2010

Matthew Garrett: Pittsburgh

As I mentioned, I headed to Pittsburgh last week to give some talks at CMU and find out something about what they're doing there. Despite the dire weather that had closed the airport the day before, I had no trouble getting into town and was soon safely in a hotel room with a heater that seemed oddly enthusiastic about blasting cold air at me for ten seconds every fifteen minutes. Unfortunately, it seems that life wasn't as easy for everyone - ten minutes after I arrived, I got a phone call telling me that the city had asked CMU to cancel classes the next day.

This turned out to be much less of a problem than I'd expected - whether because of their enthusiasm to learn about ACPI or because they simply hadn't noticed the alert telling them about the cancellation, a decent body of students turned up the next morning. After a brief chat with Mark Stehlik, the assistant dean for undergraduate education, I headed off to the lecture hall. The fact that I can now just plug my laptop into a VGA cable and have my desktop automatically extend itself continues to amaze me, as does OpenOffice's seemingly unerring ability to get confused about which screen should have my content and which should be showing me the next slide. Nevertheless, facts were imparted and knowledge dropped on those assembled. I'm even reasonably sure that the contents were factually accurate, which is a shame because the most attractive part of teaching always struck me as being able to lie to students who will then happily regurgitate whatever you tell them because in case it turns up on the exam. Perhaps this is why I'm safer out of academia.

Lunch offered an opportunity to visit the Red Hat sponsored lab, which was pleasingly located somewhere other than a basement. The guy on the right of the picture is Greg Kesden, the director of undergraduate laboratories in CS there - it was wonderful to get an opportunity to see the machines getting used, and students seemed genuinely appreciative of the facility.

After lunch I spent a while talking to Satya about the Internet Suspend and Resume project. This is an impressive combination of virtualisation and migration, using a Fedora-based live image to bring up an OS on arbitrary hardware before downloading a machine image and launching it. The majority of the data is pulled in on demand, meaning that initial performance can be slow but ensuring that data is only downloaded if it's needed. When the user is finished, the delta between the original image and the new one can be pushed back to the server while remaining cached on the local machine in case the image is used again.

It's an interesting approach, combining the flexibility of thin clients with the advantages of having actually useful computing power at the local end. There's a few functional awkwardnesses, such as some VMs being unhappy if images are migrated between machines with different CPU features, and it obviously benefits from having significant bandwidth. But the idea of being able to combine the convenience of a floating session with the knowledge that you can still keep copies of your data on you is an attractive one, and I'd love a future where I can move my session between my laptop and a desktop.

After that there was some time to talk to Bill Scherlis and Philip Lehman about the software engineering courses that CMU run. Part of the minor in software engineering includes a course requirement to make a meaningful contribution to an existing software project, from design through to submission and upstream acceptance. I had the opportunity to talk to a couple of the students about this and the differences they found between working with the Mozilla and Chrome communities, which I'll try to write up at some point.

Finally I gave a presentation on Fedora and some of the issues that we face in providing a useful OS when patents and recalcitrant hardware vendors do their best to thwart us. Despite the ice outside and the significantly-below-freezing temperatures, enough people turned up that sorties had to be sent out to find extra chairs. It was great to see how interested people were in learning about what we do, although it's probably the case that the free pizza did help encourage people.

After that it was an early trip back to the airport, where I found that my plane was delayed and the only "restaurant" still open was McDonalds. Even so, I left with the feeling that it had been an interesting and educational visit. Many thanks to David Eckhardt, who runs the OS course I presented to and who looked after me all day - thanks too to Joshua Wise who picked me up when David was running late due to the ground being covered with blocks of ice.

16 February 2010

Vincent Sanders: Tempus fugit

Seems I managed to loose a month in there. Been working very hard on a project with an improbable deadline which has not left much time for anything else.

Finally brought to a standstill this weekend by something Joshua brought home (I think it was some form of micro biological warfare agent, judging by how I feel) It is incrediably hard to shrug off the lethargy of illness when you realize all you have to go back to is work.

On the plus side the project deadline is in three weeks time so whatever happens It will all be over by then! Whereupon I can take some time off, calm down and then start all over on the next project...


30 December 2009

Christine Spang: Coders at Work

On the train to my parents' house for Christmas I finished up a wild run through the book Coders at Work. The book isn't even mine, but I'd been borrowing it very often, sometimes to the chagrin of its owner, because I could barely put it down. Coders at Work book cover The book is a collection of interviews with 15 great programmers of our time, starting with Jamie Zawinsky and ending with Donald Knuth. It's written in an interview style each interview starts with a brief introduction to the person being interviewed, summarizing what the person is known for and what he or she has accomplished and a few of the highlights of the interview, and then a transcript of the interview follows, with the author/editor, Peter Siebel, will saying something or asking a question, and the interviewee responding. I was skeptical about this format at first because I feel like it can be an easy way out of good editing and make the reader have to do the work of the editor, but on finishing I think that Siebel uses the format to his advantage in this case. For one, the speech format allows the reader to really form a picture of how the person being interviewed speaks and would act in a conversation. Jamie is somewhat bitter and pretty informal. Brad Fitzpatrick is flippant and energetic, his speech littered with profanity and colloquialisms. Others seem more stately and verbose Joe Armstrong's responses can go on for a page or more. In this way, not only do readers learn something about what these greats have learned about programming, but we also feel a bit more like we've met or know them, and can connect to them more as people. I always have this problem where I want to read computer books, but often computer books seem inextricably tied to the computer, so there's this dynamic of reading a bit and then wanting to get on a machine and try something out, write some code, play around especially with books focused on a specific language. Coders at Work retains some of this computer-book dynamic in that I constantly encountered things that I want to investigate or play around with more: Erlang, OCaml, various papers and essays, Knuth's literate programs, and books such as Higher Order Perl and others. Siebel makes a point to ask each person what her short-list of books and papers programmers should read are, so this book is a great source of pointers to other reading material. Unlike a more specific book, however, keeping a list in a notebook was enough to settle the mind to read away-from-a-computer for chapters at a time. It's obvious that despite the interview format, Siebel has done some serious editing. None of the prose is boring to read, and I can't imagine that the text is a straight transcript of how the interviews went. He also has arranged the interviews in an order such that different interviews play off each other. In Branden Eich's interview, for example, he disparages the book Design Patterns:
I never bought the Gamma book. Some people at Netscape did, some of Jamie Zawinski's and my nemeses from another acquisition, they waved it around like the Bible and they were kind of insufferable because they weren't the best programmers.
In the next chapter, Joshua Bloch names it as a book he thinks programmers should read:
Another one, which I have slightly mixed feelings about but I still think everyone should read, is Design Patterns. It gives us a common vocabulary. There are a lot of good ideas in there.
Similar plays, such as Ken Thompson and Fran Allen disagreeing on the badness of C, happen in later chapters, tieing together the different chapters and illustrating how even really good programmers disagree on the Right Thing all the time. Clearly the craft of programming is no settled thing. Besides the general structure of the book being well thought-out, the material is generally thought-provoking and interesting. One thing that stood out to me was Joshua Bloch describing what he called the "empathy gene", which is what a programmer has to have if he's going to be able to design good APIs and programming languages he has to be able to put himself in the shoes of the person who will be using the language or API. This is one thing that differentiates how different programmers can be good at different things. Another thing that stood out to me is that many of those interviewed stated that they don't use much in the way of modern tools and IDEs Joshua Bloch and Simon Peyton-Jones both touch on this, just to name a couple examples, even though some say that they think using these tools would make them more productive, especially when it comes to refactoring. This is a testament to the power of inertia sometimes there is just no chance to be unproductive now in order to be more productive later. Or perhaps just a sign that a programmable text-editor can stand on the same level as a heavier tool in terms of productivity in the right hands. I could go on with examples, but the conclusion here is that I thoroughly enjoyed Coders at Work, and I think it is a book that is well-worth the time spent reading the entire thing.

